"As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55: 10&11
Seed of Hope-Thailand
Northern Thailand is home to marginalized hilltribes who settled here largely to seek refuge from oppression in Burma and China. Because many of these people groups come from a different culture and language than Thai, they often find integration into Thai society very challenging. Many of these people are "stateless" meaning they have no citizenship in any country. The marginalized hilltribe people groups of Thailand struggle to integrate into the Thai society as their communities are located in remote and rugged locations, removed from close-proximity to public schools in the cities. Only 69% of children in Thailand will attend school through the 12th grade. Those who don't finish high school could end up working street jobs to earn money for their families and are more vulnerable to exploitation such as labor or sex trafficking.
The Seed of Hope project provides a dormitory that houses 33 hill-tribe students from remote villages in Northern Thailand. The purpose of the dorm is to provide a safe place for the students to live while they attend Thai public school and to take steps to receive Thai citizenship if not yet acquired. Receiving an education will increase their marketable skills for their future, increase understanding how to give back to their communities and will ultimately help break the cycle of poverty. We encourage Seed of Hope students to complete high school and then seek further education in a local university or a vocational school through our scholarship program. Receiving even a basic education will help the Seed of Hope students to have a greater understanding of their world and give them a chance to become integrated citizens.
Seed of Hope students are encouraged to take pride in their original culture and language and to continue learning from their village elders. Many cultures and communities are being lost in the wake of "urban migration" as marginalized people are moving to the cities in search of work.
The Seed of Hope Dorm has been strategically located so it is close to both the student's families and Thai public school.